there has been so much happening lately, i just couldn't find the right time to do a proper update blog. it was just one thing after another, not explaining my life, but the bits and pieces that are part of my life, if that makes any sense at all.
so lately, i've actually been updating my dailybooth a lot. what is it? well it's like twitter, but with unlimited amounts of words you can type, and a picture. the main focus is on the picture of course. it's a perfect site for stalkers like me who loves looking at pictures of other people :) don't judge me!
ahaha i know they're random pictures, but they each have a special description that help you understand it.
For some reason, yesterday i decided to check out neopets. it's always interesting to see changes to a web site over the year. neopets seemed to got sold to nickelodeon. it has changed a lot! most maps are now flash, brand new pets and games. it's crazy! back in the day, when i played neopets, the maps were only pictures, the games were crappy, and neopets was just an excuse to satisfy my lonely life.
i used to play runescape too, but stopped once i was in highschool. i met some good friends there, and i still talk to some of them through msn or youtube. it's one of those games that you devote your life to for a few years and get good friends out of it. similar to maple story! but i never played maple story long enough to experience good friendships. going back to neopets amazed me, but also got me hooked on it again. i'm scared to go back to runescape and get hooked too, i can't risk too much time wasted on these silly but addicting games. i herd runescape has gotten a lot better and is way more fun... maybe when i finish university and have kids i'll play XD. i mean it's not like that's a big deal. when i used to play i met a lot of old people on it. of course mainly 13 year old play it currently, but that'll change. i hope. i don't want to be viewed as a pedophile.

So those are the web sites i've discovered and rediscovered lately. but what about my life offline?
well, i tried out for the robotics club and news paper team at my school. and they both rejected me due to the fact that i'm a
senior. THAT! was the ONLY reason. i can't believe what the world has turned into, discrimination against old people? and it's not that i'm 60 years old or anything, the photographer they picked over me was 2 grades younger! that's not much. of course i was furious when i asked for the reason, but i can't do anything about it. their excuse was, i'll be graduating this year, so might as well let someone younger, more new take your spot so they'll be experienced when they're seniors. can you say bullshit?
but other than those 2 clubs, i've also joined the ping pong club (yes how Asian of me), the choir (though i only went once and missed all the other times for other clubs), Horizons (where i chill with the fobs and help them with socializing and learn better english), and the science investigators (where we do cool experiments like the "hydrogen" bomb). the bad thing about them is, they're on on Thursdays after school, so i have to pick between them. my favorite is Horizons so far, because all you do is socialize.
i'm also in the Environmental club, and we're thinking of making some videos to help our school notice how dirty it is around Thursday lunch time and bring more dearness. i might upload it to
my youtube channel so be on the look out for that and subscribe! Also, i'm thinking of joining the anime and chess club. i know i'm very nerdy and asian :)
so i'm still looking for suitable scholarships to help my tuition next year. PEOPLE i'm in a financial need! PLEASE give me your email so i can send you an invite to lockerz and subscribe to my youtube channel. i want to become a partner so i can get some dough!
LILY email me at with your email plz :)